The Millennial Homemaker

The musings of a Stay at Home Mom

The Middle of the Teeter-Totter


As a child I loved going on the teeter-totter. It was so much fun to find someone else who was the same weight as me so we could “balance” each other as we pushed up and dropped down! Oh, how I would love to do that again!

Life is so hard at times, and there are days when my world feels like a lop-sided teeter-totter. I’ve got pressing issues on one side of the teeter-totter, but the other side is stark empty. So, what happens? All of my issues sit at the bottom until something more important “sits” on the other side, and throws the weight off-balance (and throws all of those “issues” in the air)!

I am constantly looking for the middle of the teeter-totter these days. A place where I can feel balanced, have my ducks in a row, lined neatly across in evenly disbursed weights. Of course, I need to get my head out of la-la land, too, because it is rare to have a day with perfect peace.

I do know of a person (and place) to turn to when I am in desperate need of that perfect peace. It’s Jesus. I love His name most of all, but I love knowing that I am a child of the King, redeemed by his blood on the cross. I can go to Him anytime when I am feeling pressured, lop-sided, under the weight of my world. I can cry, pray, read the Bible, and rest in Him.

Yesterday, I hit another emotional wall. It seems that these walls show up at a moment’s notice, and I am always unprepared for them! But, after a good cry, my sense of clarity returned. I was able to think clearly, function better, and start moving again. Of course, I am glad I didn’t put any makeup on yesterday, or I would have looked like a bawling raccoon! 🙂

Today, I was reminded by a sweet friend, whom I have not had the pleasure of acquaintanceship (yet!), that nudged me back over to the arms of Jesus. It was through her precious words, in her book, Balancing It All, that I was able to find those words of encouragement… right when I finished the final chapter. I was planning to read through her book last weekend, but time constraints had me putting the book away with one chapter to go. God knew I needed to read that chapter this morning… the PERFECT TIME… exactly when I needed to finish it!

This little bit of non-coincidence just solidifies my faith that much more. I was meant to be encouraged through the final chapter of a book. But, more than that, it was my answer to prayer. God is always in control, and I will never let that faith waiver. I just need to walk the talk, and put my faith into action!

Life gets messy. I get discouraged. But, sweet Jesus comes along and cleans it up. He dries my tears, he gives me a spiritual hug from afar. Through His word, through a book, or even through an email or text, I am reminded daily that my teeter-totter will be in balance, as long as I ride with Him.

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